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Lea Does Not Feel Well

Gastroenteritis Cover Page


In this fabulous Felix and Booboo adventure, Lea was suffering with a stomachache. She was vomiting and had diarrhea. Pill, the magic pillbox, saved Lea with his special potion. This story reveals the secrets of gastroenteritis.

Gastro-entirite Cover Page


Page of Gastroenteritis


Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The story tackles the topic of gastroenteritis and the author handles it methodically and extensively. She makes it a fun read with the help of Felix, BooBoo, Pic, Toc, Lens, Pill, View, Ahhh, Mr Long, and Hot. The illustrations are delightful and they bring the characters and scenes to life, thereby making it easy for young readers to comprehend all the symptoms of gastroenteritis in an interesting way. The quiz at the end of the book is helpful to readers to test their comprehension of what they have read. Dr. Nicole Audet’s Felix and BooBoo series is a must-have in all homes and school libraries as the author discusses falling sick and visiting the doctor in a fun way, and her characters in these books make the stories interactive for young readers. Visiting the doctor will not be the same again once these books are read out to children.

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